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Custom Built Thermographic Solutions


What is a Thermographic Survey?

With Tecpinions a thermographic survey is whatever you want it to be. The scope of all of our surveys is developed in close co-operation with our clients. This ensures that as a client you get the service that you require.

Survey reports are issued in a number of formats. The reports include thermal, visual and moving images. Reports are delivered rapidly after completion of the survey to allow you to gain the maximum benefit from the survey.

We frequently save the client more than the cost of the survey. Many problems located with thermal imaging are economic to address but yield very high returns.

Repeating surveys at regular intervals can increase benefits. We have the capability to set up and execute regular monitoring programmes, performing data and trend analysis, taking some of the workload from your already stretched workforce. Assessing the condition and performance of your equipment over time improves maintenance planning and equipment reliability, which allows you to focus your maintenance resources to where they are really needed.
